Thunderbird is a freeware email application which is embedded with almost all the features which are required in a popular email client. This application comes from the house of very popular software organization called Mozilla. Thunderbird not only manages your email but also manages newsgroup, newsfeed and chat account. Its installation is easy, you need to create your account after installation and rest it is easy to use. This is a highly customizable application with add-ons. Although it uses minimum system resources but it may slow down your system if you will add high number of themes and add-ons. Its interface is clean and friendly plus the appearance of main window can be customized.
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- OS: Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP
What is new in this Version?
- Various bugs in security have been fixed.
- Some performance improvements are done.
- User interface is new.
- Features like “Do Not Track” and “Multi-Channel Chat” are added.
1. Full Featured Email
Thunderbird is a full featured email application with a support for IMAP, SMTP, SSL as well as HTML mailing format with which you can easily import your existing emails accounts as well as messages, you just need to provide your email address, name and password. You can also have a personalized email address, you just need to sign up for that with new email address and rest of the work will be done automatically by thunderbird. You can also load emails in separate tabs to keep multiple mails open with easy Tabbed Email feature of thunderbird. Then you have address book to save addresses plus you can even add more details like photo and other information. An attachment reminder will remind you for attachment before hitting send. Then you have multiple-channel chat from which you can select like Facebook chat, Google Talk or Twitter etc. and chat through your favorite channel.

2. Search options
You can search internet without leaving Thunderbird, you just need to put your search keywords in Thunderbird’s search box and select for options. If you want to search for something that is already in your mail, right click on the highlighted word and select “search the web for” option. Then you have a Quick Filter Toolbar which lets you filter your email faster when you start typing words in its search box. Thuderbird has various filtering and timeline tools to bring out the exact mail that you are looking for. Thunderbird also contains Activity Manager that keeps interaction between Thunderbird and your email provider in one place. You can archive your email messages with Archive option.

3. Customization and Extension
Thunderbird can be always customized like you can change the appearance of main window as you have many skin or theme options available, you can select new button controls for your toolbar, you can speed up the transfer of large documents and much more. Thunderbird is expandable with plug-ins and add-ons, you can search and install add-ons directly in this application. For this, you have Add-ons Manager which is integrated in the application itself and you don’t need to visit different add-ons websites for this.

4. Security and Protection
Thunderbird will provide complete security and protection to your email by cutting out the junk mail with it powerful junk mail filters, automatically blocking remote images in the email messages and by supporting “DO Not Track” feature. This application also protects you against phishing.

5. Automatic Updates
This feature will always update you about the latest security and feature updates by updating you whether you are using the latest version of Thunderbird or not. It automatically downloads the minor updates and gives you pop-ups when they are ready for installation.