PC Wizard is a system information software which gives you detailed information about computer components and system configuration. This freeware utility is one of the very advanced system information software which can not only detect your hardware but also analyze ans benchmark your system. For example it can analyze and benchmark cache performance, hard disk performance, CPU performance etc. It gives you regular updates whenever latest technologies are introduced in the market. Its interface is clean and intuitive. Its installation may be a bit time consuming but the program is otherwise speedy and gives precise information about your computer. User needs to pay attention while installing this application as it tries to drop third party software which are not required. All in all PC Wizard is one of the best and few programs of its kind and is must for those who are conscious about learning more about their PC.
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- OS: Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP
What is new in this Version?
- Intel Q77, QM77, QS77 and NM70 chipsets support.
- Support for AMD FX-4320, FX-6300, FX-8350 processors.
- Intel Xeon E3 Series V2 processors support and AMD FX ‘Vishera’ processors preliminary support.
- Detailed USB Enpoint information.
- Intel HD Graphics 3000/4000 clocks, voltage and temperature support.
1. Detailed Hardware Information
PC Wizard will give you the detailed information of your computer hardware like Mainboard, Chipset, Processor etc. as you can see in the screenshot below. You need to click on the icons at the left side of the screenshot for in-depth information for example you click on mainboard icon and it will come up with the complete information about your computer mainboard, you can check better from another screenshot. This is how it can give you information about your hardware like mainboard, main memory, chipset, cache memory, processors, buses, APM, ACPI, DMI/SMBIOS, mainboard censors, battery, video, directX, drivers, keyboard, mouse, ports, bluetooth devices, printers, modem, security, virtual machines and much more.

2. Comprehensive System Files and Tools
System files contains text files about boot configuration data, browser URL history, environment variables, extensions etc. It contains tools for saving, printing etc. and can save a TXT, RTF, PDF, HTML and CSV report. It has tools to export text and graphics with clipboard and to communicate with mother board as well.
3. Configuration Details
PC Wizard can give all the details about your system configuration like if you click on operating system, it will give you details about the owner of system, version of OS, serial number, total memory, free system resources etc. Similarly, clicking on security icon will give you the details about system security as shown in screenshot. This is how it can give you configuration detail of operating system, web browser, security, password, library, DOS, internet, control panel, desktop, threads, processes, file extensions, database, multimedia, boot-start applications and many more.

4. Information About System Resources
PC Wizard can produce essential information about system resources like Input/Output ports, direct memory access, memory resources, network, interruption request etc.

5. Benchmarking Tools for System Testing
PC Wizard contains benchmarking tools for testing system performance. Benchmarking process may be a bit long but accurately measures the capability of your system. You can benchmark Windows performance rating, global performance, processor, multi-thread, cache, memory, hard disk, CD/DVD Rom, main memory etc. You can check from screenshot below that how it performs benchmarking graphically as well as otherwise.